Knowledge is Understanding

Asked Questions

We've collected some great information regarding caring for your pool and how it relates to the services that Field Day Pools has available. Of course we always have a knowledgeable professional available to speak with you regarding your home and residential or commercial pool service needs. Contact us today, and we will be more than happy to assist you.

Most swimming pools have inaccessible areas that get minimum or even no circulation. These spots can become troublesome and often is where bacteria/algae will start growing. You should have the walls and floor brushed at least once a week, with a complete vacuum to remove debris that cannot be extracted by the filter. Good brushing is a prerequisite, no matter if an automatic pool cleaner is in use.

Often no matter how clean you think your pool is, if the pool chemistry isn't right, then you will have issues maintaining your pool. The goal is sparkling, vibrant and clear water that is inviting at all times. It's best to allow professionals to take care of your pool's chemistry, as they have the knowledge, the training, and the right products for any occasion, pool type and even season. Improper water balance can make water murky and unsightly. Additionally, incorrectly maintained pool water can be unsanitary and cannot be guaranteed not to affect equipment.

Ideally— proper pool filter pressure should be within a tolerance range of 3 to 10 PSI as read on the filter pressure gauge. When the pressure rises it's filter doing its job of collecting dirt and debris. Regular backwashing and cleaning will maintain filters and proper pressure. If you are having issues with filter pressure— contact us today.

This question can be a hot debate! That being said, we beleive that it's best to say if there is no problem, then there isn't a persuasive reason to exchange pool water! There's absolutely no good reason to change out your pool's water unless there is a specific problem that needs to be addressed. If you think you should, contact Field Day Pools for a second opinion today!

While you are always going to smell a little chlorine, especially while swimming, if there is a very strong odor of chlorine— odds are you may be over-treating. Allow Field Day Pools to create and perform a weekly maintenance regimen for your pool.